What Hypnosis Is Not
In the previous blog post “Hypnosis: From Wariness to Acceptance – Part 1“ the commonly posed question about stage hypnosis was raised: Do subjects choose to play along or do the hypnotic suggestions they receive compel them to comply?
The fact is, being hypnotized is not relinquishing your power to the hypnotist. You can’t be made to do, say, or experience anything you don’t want to when in a hypnotic state.
Your will is not paralyzed and you don’t lose your autonomy. Moreover, the depth to which you go into hypnosis and how quickly you go in, is really up to you and whether you believe in hypnosis.
Thankfully, hypnotherapists and psychologists or psychiatrists who use hypnosis legitimize its practice and allay any concerns their prospective clients may have about it being a form of mind control or brainwashing.
What Hypnosis Is
Simply put, hypnosis is a naturally occurring state of deep relaxation, calm and inner focus. It is a state we all enter just before falling off to sleep at night and are still in it when we first awaken.
While you’re in an hypnotic trance, your subconscious mind (about 90% of your total mind power) is directly accessible and suggestible to the ideas, images, metaphors, visualizations, guided imagery and commands presented to you that support accomplishing the goals you specifically identified.
Stage Hypnosis Is Entertaining
The distinction between stage hypnosis and clinical hypnosis is still blurry in some peoples’ minds. Let’s be clear:
Stage hypnosis is typically performed in a club, at a party or in some other type of public venue. The stage hypnotist’s goal is to entertain their audience by getting volunteers (with no prior knowledge of what they will be told) to act out in ways they normally wouldn’t, especially in front of strangers.
Clinical Hypnosis Is Therapeutic
In contrast, a therapist uses hypnosis in a private office, hospital room, or other setting, as a therapeutic tool to resolve the physical, emotional, cognitive, or psychological problems for which their clients seek their help so they can live more fulfilled lives.
Using hypnosis to overcome emotional, physical, psychological or mental problems is now widely accepted. Almost everyone knows someone who has benefitted from hypnotherapy to quit smoking, stop overeating, relieve anxiety, build confidence, or deal with some other obstacle in their life.
Many Celebrities Endorse Hypnosis
Many well-known celebrities are open about their success with hypnosis: singer Adele and actor Samuel L. Jackson stopped smoking.

Adele quit smoking with hypnosis

Hypnosis helped Samuel L. Jackson stop smoking
Pro golfer Tiger Woods enhanced his career with hypnosis.

Hypnosis helpedTiger Woods improve his golf
Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge, used hypnobirthing for the delivery of all three of her children.

Kate Middleton relied on hypnobirthing
Hypnosis enabled physicist Albert Einstein to enjoy greater depth of creativity.

Einstein found greater depth of creativity with hypnosis
Composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart also found hypnosis beneficial for stimulating his creativity.

Mozart benefited from hypnosis to stimulate deeper creativity.
Thomas Alva Edison, perhaps the most prolific inventor of all time, used self-hypnosis to come up with ideas for his inventions. And the list goes on.

Inventor Thomas Alva Edison practiced self-hypnosis regularly.
Hypnosis As Brief-Term Therapy
Hypnotherapy is a brief-term form of therapy that can yield results rather quickly, as compared to other types of therapy. There are occasions when transformation occurs so rapidly, you would think it was magic. For example, a two pack a day smoker of twenty-five years, who has tried many times and many ways to quit, stops and remains smoke free after one or two hypnotherapy sessions.
That being said, it is also not unusual for clients to need a series of hypnotherapy sessions, and to practice with reinforcement audios between sessions, to get their desired results.
Hypnosis Reinforcement
A hypnotherapist is like a personal trainer for the mind. The training is a collaborative endeavor and tailored specifically to the individual. If a client only engages with the trainer during their scheduled sessions, and does nothing in between sessions, they won’t get the transformation they envision in the timeframe they desire.
At MINDWORKS HYPNOTHERAPY, I provide clients audio recordings of the hypnosis portion of each session to listen to repeatedly in between sessions as reinforcement. Suggestions given to the client in the hypnotic state penetrate to their subconscious mind, where positive change originates. Repetition of these suggestions reinforces the development of the desired outcome, so that it becomes a subconscious habit, i.e., a learned response.
The Law of Repetition
Whenever we first approach a new task, new information, or a new skill, initially we tend to feel awkward or even inept. But the more we repeat our attempts to accomplish the task (or remember the new information or acquire the skill), the more confident we become as we learn and progress. Through repetition, we are able to get more done, perform better, and remember more information.
Hypnosis works according to the Law of Repetition. Repetition of suggestions given in hypnosis reinforces the new behavior until it becomes a subconscious habit.
After weeks of listening to the same hypnosis recording day in and day out, it can become second nature, like brushing your teeth. Or it can get boring for some people who just want something different. Something fresh, more engaging or more exciting than listening to that same old hypnosis recording. So they start slacking off and making excuses for not listening to it.
Hypnosis Downloads
At the same time, they don’t want to lose the headway they’ve made with hypnotherapy and those reinforcement recordings. No problem. The Internet has tons of hypnosis audios and videos to download and listen to on just about any issue or problem they might have. Some are free, many are low-cost or discounted in bundles.
If you are someone with a limited budget who prefers to do some work on your own, you will find free downloads that address problems such as stress, anxiety, procrastination, poor self-image, low self-esteem and lack of confidence on the MINDWORKS HYPNOTHERAPY website. There you will also discover some additional hypnosis downloads (at very affordable prices) to manage various fears, overcome resistance, and improve your tennis game at very affordable prices. But don’t stop there if you don’t find what you need. One of my affiliate programs offers over 1250 self-hypnosis audios for virtually any and every problem you can imagine. Simply click on more hypnosis downloads where you can search their collection to find the online help you desire.