
Los Angeles Hypnotherapist – Ellen R. Coleman, C. Ht.

Ellen R. Coleman - Certified Hypnotherapist

Thank you for visiting MINDWORKS HYPNOTHERAPY.  This year I celebrate 22 years in private practice as one of the most experienced self-empowerment coaches and certified hypnotherapists in Los Angeles, CA.  Enabling and teaching my clients to harness the enormous power of their subconscious mind to heal their Inner Child, overcome fear, calm anxiety, manage stress, replace bad habits and stop sabotaging their personal and professional goals makes my spirit soar and my heart sing.

COVID-19 Update: Since the start of this pandemic in 2020, and continuing on for the foreseeable future, Mindworks offers new and returning clients from Los Angeles (as well as those from around the United States and even around the world) Virtual Hypnosis Sessions. Whether you choose hypnotherapy by phone, Zoom, Skype, or FaceTime, rest assured that effective treatment is available to handle your problems and issues. In-office sessions will be offered again when it is safe.

What Problems Does Hypnotherapy Address?

Do you have a wounded Inner Child who needs to heal? Were you abandoned, neglected or rejected as a child?  Did you suffer emotional, physical, or sexual abuse early in your life? Were you traumatized during childhood by a catastrophe or natural disaster? Hypnotherapy can help you heal.

Do you suffer from extreme nervousness before or during a test, competing, performing or public speaking? Learn self-hypnosis to calm yourself down.

Do chronic self-doubt, limiting beliefs, and obsessive worrying rob you of motivation and enthusiasm? Using hypnosis, you can replace negative thinking with empowering beliefs, imagery, and visualizations.

Are procrastination, perfectionism, pessimism, and negative self-talk keeping you from achieving your goals and living your dreams? Hypnotherapy provides tools to stop self-sabotage and start living the life you truly want.

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is safe, natural, and drug free. (We all go into hypnosis before we fall asleep and are in hypnosis when we first awaken.) When you are open to the process, it can be an effective form of therapy that goes far beyond simply talking about your problems and the goals you set for yourself. You take charge of your mindset and develop behaviors that support you and overcome the ones that otherwise defeat you.

When gently guided into a hypnotic state, you feel relaxed and at ease. Your subconscious mind, where positive change originates, is immediately accessible and highly receptive to the ideas, suggestions, imagery, and directions offered to create what you want to achieve.

You will never accept anything that you don’t want to accept. No one can make you do anything you don’t want to do with hypnosis. So forget what you have seen in movies or TV. That’s fiction for entertainment sake.

The tools and techniques I apply during your hypnotic state are specifically designed to replace your negative mindset with positive beliefs, attitudes, and desires that support and encourage taking constructive action to attain your stated goals.

Why Use Hypnotherapy?

You can develop high self-esteem and a confident self-image. You can stop being indecisive and second-guessing yourself. When you commit to the process, hypnotherapy can be a very beneficial, brief form of therapy to calm your anxiety and fears, greatly improve your mood, create healthy boundaries, overcome childhood trauma, and free yourself from bad habits.

What’s more, the techniques and tools you learn you can adapt and use long after your therapy with me has ended, to handle other issues and challenges that may crop up in your life.  That’s one reason why I include a reinforcement audio with every session.

Guiding you to be who you yearn to be makes my spirit soar and my heart sing.  Always gratifying, it is especially so if you were dissatisfied with your results from years of “talk therapy” and finally get the benefits you were hoping for from hypnotherapy with me.

Who Does Mindworks Hypnotherapy Serve?

Wherever you are, Mindworks Hypnotherapy of Los Angeles offers clients and those around the world a free ½ hour phone or Zoom consultation with no obligation to discuss your issues and answer your questions. Call me at (310) 422-9913. Leave a voicemail if I am unavailable so I can call you back. Whatever you decide, I wish you all the best in creating the life you truly desire and deserve.

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    Seeking Help

    Adults and young people turn to me for help in resolving inner conflicts and problems affecting their business, sports performance, academic life, personal relationships, health, creativity, and finances. Using the Socratic method (a form of inquiry that prompts critical thinking and clear ideas), we agree on specific objectives to work on using hypnosis, coaching, and other methods.

    Finding Help Within

    Within each of us is a wise part (the “Authentic Self”) that knows what we truly want and are meant to do; it also knows what to do to achieve it. My role is to enable clients  to “team up” with that wise part, resolve internal resistance, and take the actions needed to succeed. The methods I apply and teach are delivered in several ways; not all of which use hypnosis.


    Hypnotherapy Sessions

    The giant panda loves to rest and sleep, spending some 12 hours or more a day doing just that. Hypnosis is a natural resting state—a state of deep relaxation and calm that humans love.

    Motivational Speaking

    The eclectus parrot, one of the most talkative birds in the world, loves to entertain an audience. Able to verbalize quite distinctly, the eclectus can also mimic mood and tone of voice.

    Self-Help Coaching

    Mother elephants coach their young early on to take care of themselves. In this elephant self-help coaching session, the mother is teaching her baby to create a switch of ideal length to swat flies.

    Group Learning 

    Dolphins, now thought the most intelligent animals besides humans, can be trained to perform magnificent feats using techniques called “chunking” and “positive reinforcement”.


    Whether you live in Los Angeles or elsewhere on the Planet, you can find some form of help at MINDWORKS. Find out the various ways… Read More

    Some problems, such as pain or morbid obesity, may require a medical referral. For clients seeking my help, who suffer from severe depression or another mood disorder, I require a referral from a psychiatrist, psychotherapist, or clinical psychologist. I always respect the role of that therapist as your primary caregiver who sanctions in writing my role as an adjunct therapist.