When You Lose Motivation Feeling motivated to achieve a goal or dream empowers you. Your excitement about getting what you want joins forces with your willingness to do what’s required. This promotes initiative. You get in gear and take constructive action. The realization that each step forward brings you closer to success fuels your motivation to persevere…At least at the beginning. When feelings of motivation wane, for whatever reason, getting yourself to do what’s necessary to get the job done can feel difficult to say the least. Temptations to goof off or overwhelming fears about failure can stop you dead in your tracks. You have met up with inner resistance..
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Call for Research Interview Subjects Are you sabotaging yourself in some areas of your life? Finances, education, relationships, health, career, or personal growth? If so, do you know what are the ways you sabotage yourself? By procrastinating, being a perfectionist, worrying excessively or fearing failure? Those are just a few common ones. If you are struggling with self-defeating behavior, any opportunity to help you stop so you can get what you want in life is something I am passionate about. I’m investigating an online course idea to support adults who undermine their goals and dreams but aren’t sure what to do about it. I’d love to speak with you to find out.
What is Perfection? Perfectionism is a sly seductress. It lures us with an ennobled view of ourselves determined to get every aspect of the project perfect, down to the most minute detail. Never satisfied with ourselves for giving performances that are competent or even quite good, we strive for perfection and nothing less. Or so we tell ourselves. As if we had a clear notion of what constitutes the “perfect project” when it comes to what we are working on. What’s a perfect novel? Or a perfect painting, perfect bridge or perfect computer. Who can say? Granted, getting a perfect score on a mathematics test makes sense, since the answers to simple grade-school mathematics problems never vary. The.
Shame Can Destroy a Person’s Life Shame is a devastating emotion which can destroy a person’s life if allowed to persist. Feeling ashamed of what they’ve done, thought, felt, or fantasized about can lead a person to give up on themselves—to withdraw and isolate themselves from others, to sabotage their goals and dreams because they feel unworthy, to beat themselves up with constant negative self-talk and accusations. Left untreated, shame will fester in the subconscious mind and rob a person of their self-respect, self-confidence, self-esteem, self-worth, and self-care. Suffering from shame often causes depression, self-loathing, and sometimes even a desire to escape the only way they know how—to commit suicide..
Emotional Regulation Some adult clients coming for help to heal their wounded Inner Child want to become less harsh, less negative and less defensive in their immediate reactions to feeling mistreated. If you identify with that goal, this module is for you. An employee can easily gain a bad reputation as a “hothead” or a “b____”. Word of their behavior spreads easily and can alienate people who then don’t want to work with that person. Getting a reputation for being difficult can happen overnight. Living down that reputation could take months, if not years. Blowing up at a colleague or responding sarcastically is never a good tactic for communicating.
Do Limiting Beliefs Undermine Your Progress? Too many well-motivated, talented and dedicated individuals let doubts and limiting beliefs about themselves and the world stop them from accomplishing their goals. When they run up against a limiting belief, especially if others they respect affirm the limitations, they stop in their tracks and rationalize why they should abandon their goal in favor of another. What is a Limiting Belief? A limiting belief is an opinion or assumption you make about yourself or the world that keeps you from taking constructive action in support of your goals and dreams. Examples of some common limiting beliefs that might be derail you: “Things never work.
What is Road Rage? Road rage is hostile, aggressive, or angry behavior that motorists direct towards others out of frustration or impatience. These behaviors include rude and verbal insults, obscene gestures, yelling, physical threats or dangerous driving methods targeted at other drivers, pedestrians or cyclists in an effort to intimidate them or express their exasperation. No matter what the reason, there is never a justification for allowing yourself to take out your negative emotions on others with whom you share the road. Whether you are late for work, driving your wife to the hospital to give birth, trying to catch the last flight out to Singapore, or just in.
Just had one of the last birthdays in my 70’s. (Gulp! My 80’s are just around the corner.) And to add injury to insult, less than two weeks before Turkey Day, I fractured my elbow….on my dominant arm. But I was lucky. No excruciating pain. Only some– mild and intermittent. As the medical technician painted me in a plexiglass cast from my wrist to my elbow, I started fretting about the challenges ahead, like driving home. Not to mention living alone. It’s a lot harder to manage everyday tasks with only your non-dominant hand, like taking a shower, getting dressed, doing dishes, and opening cans. (I must have a right-handed.
Self-sabotage Is Puzzling Why would someone intentionally undermine their success in achieving their goals and living their dreams? Sounds crazy, doesn’t it? You would think it would be just the opposite–intentionally taking constructive action to achieve that success, wouldn’t you? The Reason Most People Self-Sabotage The truth of the matter is, unless a person seeks to punish themself (for whatever reason) and chooses to do so by intentionally acting in a subversive way, the reason why the majority of people self-sabotage is for self-protection. They are fearful of something they believe achieving their goal (or even trying to achieve it) would bring about. One female client (75 pounds overweight and.
Introduction In this part of the 2-part blog post “Managing Social Anxiety with Hypnosis,” I introduce social anxiety as a common and troubling emotion that interferes with, if not makes impossible, a social phobic’s successful living and the satisfaction of a wide variety of their human needs. The Purpose of Emotions Do you wonder why we humans have emotions? Do you sometimes think life would be simpler without them? We have emotions for more than just to give people something besides politics, sports, food and the arts to talk about or to provide screenwriters with script material. As with everything else in our human makeup, emotions exist to keep us.
Introduction In “Managing Social Anxiety – Part 1” I introduced social anxiety as a common and troubling emotion that interferes with, if not makes impossible, a social phobic’s successful living and the satisfaction of a wide variety of their human needs. Here in Part 2 of that blog post, I discuss Exposure Therapy and explain how hypnosis enhances the ease and effectiveness of that therapy to overcome social anxiety, as well as other fears. Exposure Therapy A number of approaches have been tried over the centuries to overcome the difficulties that our fears present to us. Consider, for instance, what happens with Exposure Therapy in the context of dealing with fears.