Calm Your Social Anxiety
To Communicate Effectively
Are you one of the many people who suffer from social anxiety? It’s not just the feeling of anxiousness you get going into an important job interview or meeting your fiancée’s parents–that’s natural and normal. But if you suffer chronic anxiety that is quite intense, causing you to worry and doubt yourself when you are around other people, whether at home with family, at work, or on-the-go, you likely have social anxiety.
If you are single, when was the last time you took any action to date? Did you let your friends and family know you wanted to find a life partner or spouse? Did you sign up on a dating site or check out any singles groups for people who share your passions (e.g. tennis, hiking, concerts, theatre, travel, politics…) If not, why not? Does the thought of participating make you squirm? Do you feel a bit shaky inside? Does your stomach get tied up in knots?
In today’s fast-paced, success-oriented, technology-driven environments, social media provides platforms for putting yourself out to the world in text, photos, videos, and blog posts.
Opportunities to develop relationships with strangers, potentially on the other side of the globe, who may share your interests or want to hear your opinions, or even hire your services, are rampant. And if you don’t participate, not only are you missing out on those opportunities, but you are reinforcing your lack of self-confidence and self esteem by holding back. (Think about why you avoid Facetime or Skype, Youtube, Instagram and the
No wonder you get frustrated, angry, discouraged. Is it any wonder you develop limiting beliefs about your ability to attract new friends or colleagues, and to communicate with them effectively in social situations? If you stay mum, withdraw, or isolate, you are only reinforcing these negative emotions, attitudes, and behaviors, causing more social anxiety.
Clinical hypnosis is a brief-term form of relaxation therapy that enables you to calm your social anxiety and replace it with peaceful feelings of well being. Using hypnosis, you can develop more confident body language that actually makes you feel more confident. You can reframe your self-talk to encourage your speaking up and communicating more clearly, as well as being comfortable with pauses and silence.
Using hypnosis techniques, along with some cognitive behavioral therapy, you can take charge of your inner life and feel more in control of your thoughts and expressions around other people. Together we can get to the root of your problems and understand the impact early childhood experiences have had in causing your discomfort around other people.
I teach you anxiety reducing techniques that direct your subconscious mind, where positive change develops, to motivate you to take constructive actions on route to solutions. These techniques implant in your subconscious nourishing, supportive suggestions that generate beliefs in your ability to just be yourself, to enjoy the company of others and to contribute to their enjoyment. As you gain confidence, worry less, and feel more in control, you expect positive outcomes in social situations. As you start seeing results, you feel more encouraged and energetic, more motivated and eager to connect with others. With that mindset, you become willing to take the necessary constructive actions that lead to asserting yourself, listening more effectively, and attracting people whom you want to get to know and share life experiences with. You become familiar and comfortable with what it takes to engage with others without useless worrying and crippling anxiety.
Call For Help With Any Of These Issues
- Anticipatory anxiety before social and business events
- Feelings of dread and the desire to isolate
- Nervousness and inability to concentrate
- Problems communicating to others
- Insomnia
- Inability to manage stress
- Excessive worry and self-doubt
- Feeling inferior around others
Ways To Work Together
- In-Office Sessions
- Phone Sessions
- Skype/FaceTime Sessions
- Custom MP3 Audios
Each session includes a reinforcement MP3 audio file at no additional charge.
For more information, visit Mindworks Hypnotherapy
Contact Ellen at (310) 422-9913
or [email protected]