Starting in early childhood, particularly before the age of eight, we are highly suggestible to unpleasant experiences of the world, criticism from parents, teachers, siblings, and others, as well as to disturbing events portrayed or reported on by the media.
During this period, prior to the formation of the critical mind, what is presented often and forcefully is what the mind comes to believe. Unfortunately, for children who grew up in families where there is emotional, physical, or sexual abuse, alcoholism, drug addiction, bitter divorce, or abandonment, the amount of negative feedback and experiences that went into their subconscious mind (where the self-concept forms) far outweighed the positive love, support, and validation they received. As a result, their subconscious developed a more negative self-concept that worked against their well-being and fulfillment. They learned behavior patterns that seemed to offer protection, but actually worked against them as they became adults, and, as parents who knew no other ways of parenting, they passed down these maladaptive behaviors to their children, often unknowingly.
Once the critical mind (part conscious and part subconscious) develops, it serves to protect against further emotional damage by acting as a filter to screen out what is harmful. Unfortunately, it does not fully develop and function until about the age of twelve, so during the early formative years of our lives, the negative influences easily move from the conscious to the subconscious without being filtered. Self-defeating fears and beliefs form. Held deep in the subconscious, they can exert powerful negative impact on the body, emotions, mind and spirit of the individual. When triggered by events and experiences of everyday life, these fears and limiting beliefs create anxiety and other uncomfortable feelings, sensations, images and thoughts. Bad attitudes, habits and poor expectations develop which shape behavior in undesirable ways.
These negative forces, if left unchecked, may exert such a powerful influence that a person may go through life sabotaging rather than supporting their own dreams, goals, and desires. A vicious cycle continues to play out, as disappointments and setbacks further reinforce those negative mental attributes, and lead to more self-sabotage, more failure, more unhappiness, more negativity…
Feelings of being stuck or emotionally blocked are common reactions to unsuccessful conscious attempts to break out of this cycle. While conscious determination and willpower may seem to work for a while, too often the undesirable habits and behaviors return, in full force, perhaps worse than before. The superiority of the subconscious mind, which represents about 90% of your total mind power, wins out.
In hypnotherapy, we use specific therapeutic techniques repeatedly to replace limiting beliefs and negative attitudes in the subconscious, and to develop positive imagery and constructive messages that stimulate good feelings, and supportive emotions that prompt constructive behavior that heal the damage and create a healthy mindset and self-image.
In hypnotherapy, you learn to self-administer techniques that empower you. You learn how to create and implant deep within your subconscious mind inspiring ideas and images that uplift your spirit and encourage your subconscious to overcome the blocks, undertake the necessary behaviors, and reach the goals to which you aspire. In doing so, you experience self transformation. No longer the victim of negative unconscious programming, you are free to be your authentic self.
Hypnotherapy is a relatively brief, interactive, results-oriented therapy that encompasses a variety of hypnotic processes and techniques in a safe, confidential, and structured environment. It offers effective tools for personal and professional transformation at comparatively lower costs than other traditional talk therapies.
If you want to try hypnotherapy but don’t know how to go about finding a hypnotherapist you feel safe and comfortable with–someone you can trust opening up to and expressing how you really think and feel about your life and the people in it–I have a suggestion. Download my article “How to Find the Right Hypnotherapist” which you can find at the bottom of every page on this website under “Free Downloads”.
If you would like to experience hypnosis to overcome the negativity that you suffer from, but are not ready to invest in hypnotherapy sessions, here is another suggestion: for less than one hypnotherapy session, you can click on the Hypnosis Course – Stop Being Negative and start healing yourself today.
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