Anchoring Peace and Calm


In this hypnotic boost, a technique called “anchoring” creates a positive association in your subconscious mind between some simple behaviors and the mental state of peace and calm. Once the association has been implanted and firmly established, by engaging in the behaviors you will trigger peace and calm, thus serving as a tool for you to manage your stress and anxiety.

Product Type: MP3
Play Length: 14:49

SKU: 001 Category:


Product Type: MP3
Play Length: 14:49

In this hypnotic boost, a technique called “anchoring” creates a positive association in your subconscious mind between some simple behaviors and the mental state of peace and calm. Once the association has been implanted and firmly established, by engaging in the behaviors you will trigger peace and calm, thus serving as a tool for you to manage your stress and anxiety.
To establish the desired anchor, you are first taken into hypnosis (by definition a very relaxed state of peace and calm) and then instructed to perform repeatedly the behaviors while in this hypnotic state. You are then brought back to full consciousness.
It is strongly suggested that you listen to this hypnotic boost every day for at least a week in order to adequately strengthen the anchor. For some, it takes hold sooner; for others, more practice may be needed. Persevere. Once your anchor is in place, you can use it to trigger peace and calm whenever you need it in your everyday life, should you find yourself in negative emotional states such as frustration, anger, and impatience, in addition to being stressed out, tense, or anxious.


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