It is important to understand the difference between stage hypnosis, performed for entertainment in a club or at a party, and clinical hypnosis, induced in a private office setting for therapeutic benefit.

Stage hypnosis is a form of entertainment that typically seeks to amuse an audience by directing willing participants to engage in sometimes silly behavior or stunts under the direction of a stage hypnotist. Frequently, the subjects have been drinking, and eagerly volunteer to be part of the show as a way to ham it up in front of others. Unfortunately, stage hypnosis, often seen as humiliating its subjects to get a laugh, has historically undermined the credibility and therefore the therapeutic benefits of clinical hypnosis.

Clinical hypnosis (aka “hypnotherapy”) is the use of hypnosis for its therapeutic value. Widely practiced and extensively researched, it is a highly successful form of brief-term therapy for treating a vast array of psychological, emotional, physical, and spiritual problems. (See “Applications for Hypnosis”)

At MINDWORKS, I use clinical hypnosis in a private, one-on-one, collaborative form of therapy that takes place in a safe and comfortable office setting. You decide what goals to pursue and I design a program using clinical hypnosis to enable you to achieve those goals.

Your hypnotherapy sessions combine cognitive therapy and clinical hypnosis. Using cognitive therapy, I ask many questions to uncover your fears, limiting beliefs and negative attitudes blocking attainment of your goals. I discover the source of these problems and find out what triggers your resistance to taking constructive action.

By inducing hypnosis, I gain direct and immediate access to your subconscious, where positive change originates and motivation to take constructive action develops. By using a variety of hypnotherapeutic processes and presenting specific empowering suggestions that align with your aims and desires, I redirect your subconscious to impel you to take constructive, consistent action to accomplish your aims.  After every session, I provide you an audio recording to reinforce the suggestions and techniques that were presented.  Practicing with these recordings accelerates your getting the results you seek.

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