Tasty, Healthy, Quick & Cheap Holiday Treats

21 Nov 2016
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Does the title of this post seem somewhat oxymoronic to you? “No way holiday treats can be tasty AND healthy!” you say.  I disagree and I’ll provide some examples to defy that claim later in this post. Each year, starting Labor Day, like a stampede of bulls in the streets of Pamplona, come the holidays: Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Christmas, and New Year’s. Our senses are assaulted by decadent delectables loaded with bad fats, processed sugars, salt, gluten, and starch. Not just at work or at friends’, but at the bank, in the gym, and even at the gynecologist’s.  Lemon bars, spritz cookies, rugelach, chocolate fudge, and pecan sandies  are everywhere. The Devious Foodie Mindset.

Breaking With Convention

05 Aug 2016
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Breaking With Convention

The second presidential debate is next Monday, and I, for one, can’t wait.  That’s when the gloves really come off and the Donald dukes it out with Hill-Bill for the Hill. Hey, Trump!  Time to get substantive and stop with all your “I am the greatest” crap.  Besides, you’re no Muhammad Ali.  You’re more like Humpty Dumpty. Remember the nursery rhyme that begins:”Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty had a great fall…”? I have my own rendition: Humpty Trumpty wants a big wall. Humpty Trumpty’s gonna have a great fall. All of the Democrats and  Republicans, too, Are asking the same question I now put to you: What kind of “great fall” will Humpty Trumpty have? A victory as P.O.T.U.S..

The Planet Needs More Comic Relief

21 Jul 2016
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The Planet Needs More Comic Relief

Two years ago July 21, 2014, Robin Williams left our Planet.  On August 11, he will have been 65 years old. Planet Earth misses Robin and needs to celebrate his comic genius more than ever.  We need to be filled up with his zany spirit and laugh until our sides ache..not our hearts.  Lord knows, we need another Comic Relief …and we need it bad.  The last one was 6 years ago. Whoopi? Billy? Perhaps you would be willing to start the ball rolling by exploring the idea with HBO again, since they televised at least 10 of them and, along with some other sponsors, picked up all (or most) of the costs for the Comic.