Transforming Self-Doubt into Self-Confidence – Pt 1: Intro

18 Jun 2018
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Transforming Self-Doubt into Self-Confidence – Pt 1: Intro

Do you obsessively wonder whether you or your work is good enough? Do you often worry that you don’t have what it takes to succeed in your chosen field? Are you constantly afraid that you can’t have a happy marriage (and family) and make a good living doing what you love? If so, you are grappling with self-doubt. But you’re certainly not alone. It might help you to know that some of the most famous, successful, and revered artists (Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and Vincent Van Gogh), writers (John Steinbeck, Edith Wharton, George Eliot), and even presidents (George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and John F. Kennedy) suffered self-doubt. Obviously, that emotion.

Tasty, Healthy, Quick & Cheap Holiday Treats

21 Nov 2016
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Does the title of this post seem somewhat oxymoronic to you? “No way holiday treats can be tasty AND healthy!” you say.  I disagree and I’ll provide some examples to defy that claim later in this post. Each year, starting Labor Day, like a stampede of bulls in the streets of Pamplona, come the holidays: Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Christmas, and New Year’s. Our senses are assaulted by decadent delectables loaded with bad fats, processed sugars, salt, gluten, and starch. Not just at work or at friends’, but at the bank, in the gym, and even at the gynecologist’s.  Lemon bars, spritz cookies, rugelach, chocolate fudge, and pecan sandies  are everywhere. The Devious Foodie Mindset.