Ellen’s Areas of Specialization
Other Areas Ellen Treats
- Turbocharging Motivation
- Increasing Relaxation and Managing Stress
- Conquering Test Anxiety & Stage Fright
- Crushing Social Anxiety
- Dispelling Anxiety and Panic Attacks
- Improving Sports Performance
- Sharpening Memory, Focus & Concentration
- Moving Beyond Loss, Separation or Grief
- Stop Smoking Permanently
- Preparing for and Recovering from Surgery
- Enhancing Your Creativity
Stopping Self-Sabotage—Perhaps the single most common reason why people fail to create the life they desire is not the lack of talent, intelligence, vision, or hard work. It’s self-sabotage. Self-sabotage includes any behavior you engage in, consciously or unconsciously, that harms you or undermines achievement of your goals and the realization of your dreams. It includes performing actions that are counter-productive to your goals, as well as omitting actions necessary to accomplish them. Holding on to negative beliefs and attitudes that undermine your confidence and squash your motivation are also forms of self-sabotage. Succumbing to negative emotions and repressing negative feelings are other ways to self-sabotage.
In hypnotherapy, you first become aware of the ways in which you sabotage yourself, and the reasons why you do so, and then you learn how to replace that behavior with constructive, positive, actions, beliefs, feelings, emotions, and desires that support accomplishing your aspirations.
If you want to stop sabotaging your goals, you need to build a mindset for success. Click the following link and then scroll down to the bottom of the page to download 10 Steps to a Stellar Success Mindset.
More on Stop Self-Sabotage with Hypnotherapy
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Bolstering Self-Esteem — When you have healthy self-esteem, you maintain unconditional positive regard towards yourself no matter what. Gain a sense of self-worth that supports your success with feelings and beliefs that you deserve it. When you regard yourself as worthy, you treat yourself with respect and require others to do the same. You expect things to work out in your favor. You attract more opportunities, both professionally and personally, and then fully capitalize on them through constructive action. If you want to start raising your self esteem now, click on the hypnosis audio High Self Esteem.
More on Hypnotherapy for Low Self-Esteem
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Growing Self-Confidence —Without belief in yourself and your ability to accomplish what you desire, too often the conscious effort you exert is met with unconscious resistance that says I can’t do that or I don’t have what it takes.
Because this resistance sabotages your good intentions, you fall short of achieving your goals. True self-confidence comes from an attitude held within subconscious mind that is never contingent on external circumstances, outcomes, or events. It stems from an inner sense of power and unstoppable determination that can be acquired using hypnotherapeutic techniques.
More on Growing Self-Confidence with Hypnotherapy
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Repairing Self-Image — Successful people project a positive image that radiates outwardly from the self-image they hold within their own minds. They expect success and manifest it because they regard themselves as successful and prepared to do whatever it takes. By systematically implanting deep within your subconscious mind positive ideas, expectations, imagery, feelings, and beliefs that represent self-love, and self-acceptance, I help clients recreate a healthy self-image from the inside out.
More on Self-Image Hypnosis
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Quieting Negative Self-Talk — Negative self-talk is one of the most common and most destructive forms of self-sabotage. Many people fail to recognize that their inner dialogue is consumed with negative messages that undermine their well-being. Others are aware of this negativity, but feel victimized by it. They hear the voices of their parents, teachers, or bosses, whose criticism they have internalized and replay in their minds, often obsessively. By learning to stop negative self-talk and replace it with positive, encouraging thoughts, you can literally change your relationship with yourself, build healthy self-esteem, and become your own personal coach.
To begin replacing your negative self-talk with positive words of encouragement, support, praise, determination, and conviction, click on the following link and scroll down to the bottom of the page where you can download the audio program 10 Steps to Overcome Negativity.
More on Stop Negative Self-Talk with Hypnosis
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Overcoming Bad Habits — Habits are behaviors repeated often enough that you do them automatically, without deciding first. Making your bed,brushing your teeth when you wake up, and checking your voice mail are all behaviors that were once done with conscious intention, but later became habitual.
Bad habits are those that result in negative consequences relative to the goals you hold.They are often very difficult to overcome permanently because they are so well established in the subconscious mind, which believes that these behaviors serve a positive purpose.For example, biting your nails may relieve stress, procrastinating on your term paper may distract you from the fear of getting a bad grade, or eating junk food may numb feelings of loneliness.
By using hypnosis to relieve the stress, instill confidence in your ability to get good grades, or motivate you to cultivate friends or find a life partner, you can replace these bad habits with constructive action that achieves what you want without negative consequences.
More on Hypnosis To Overcome Bad Habits
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Healing Your Inner Child –Wounds from childhood held deep within your subconscious mind can continue throughout adulthood to cause psychic pain that interferes with your personal growth, happiness in relationships, career success, and a zest for life. Learn how to nurture and support your inner child to free yourself from this deep emotional pain and achieve resolution and peace.
More on Inner Child Hypnosis
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Dissolving Fears & Phobias — What is the distinction between a fear and a phobia? A fear tends to be rooted in memories of actual events that would generate a fearful response in any rational being. For example, a child who was severely burned roasting marshmallows at a campfire would naturally develop a fear of fire. An adult male with a family to support would tend to develop a fear of losing his job if he has a track record of job losses.
In contrast, a phobia is a specific, persistent, irrational, and intense fear that does not result from any actual experiences that were threatening or harmful. Often,the person suffering from the phobia is preoccupied with thoughts of the object of the phobia and will go out of their way to avoid coming into contact with that object, even if it means disrupting their lives to do so. Phobias are common and include fearful reactions to heights, open spaces, loss of control, public speaking, snakes, spiders, thunder etc…
When a fear or phobia interferes with the performance of your job, your relationships with friends, co-workers, and family, or your enjoyment of activities, so that you start avoiding situations where the fear might arise, hypnotherapy can help.Left untreated, fears and phobias can become more and more debilitating and generalize to other situations, causing more fears and phobias. Through hypnotic techniques involving desensitization and extinction, you can learn to overcome these obstacles and gain a sense of security, confidence, and enjoyment of life.Go to top.
Supporting First Responders — Too infrequently do we hear about the mental, physical, and emotional needs of these brave men and women who put their lives on the line day and night: first responders, firefighters, policemen, emergency room workers as well as veterinarians, physicians assistants and doctors and nurses. Read more on Hypnotherapy for First Responders
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Supporting the Military — It should come as no surprise that without therapy, the ongoing dangers and trauma (PTSD) that these service men and women endure can seriously impair their ability to perform at their best, and to maintain strong, healthy relationships with other soldiers, as well as their families, friends, and colleagues when they return home. Read more on Hypnotherapy for Military Personnel
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Turbocharging Motivation –Have you lost that fire in your belly, that passion that catapults you over the finish line? Do you lack the mental energy to complete your projects, prepare sufficiently for the exam, broaden your skill set, or train for a more fulfilling career? The seat of motivation lies within the subconscious mind. Learn how to access your subconscious and feed that fire with the fuel that drives you onward to accomplish your goals.
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Woman with road rage
Hypnotherapy for Road Rage – Road rage is hostile, aggressive, or angry behavior that motorists direct towards others out of frustration or impatience. These behaviors include rude and verbal insults, obscene gestures, yelling, physical threats or dangerous driving methods targeted at other drivers, pedestrians or cyclists in an effort to intimidate them or express their exasperation. More on Therapy for Road Rage
Increasing Relaxation and Managing Stress — We live in a technologically advanced, information-exploding, ecologically compromised, post-9/11 era, perhaps more complicated, demanding, and stressful than mankind has ever known. The average person is overweight, sleep-deprived, exhausted, dehydrated, and suffering from some form of addiction or illness. Tools to manage stress and tension in a healthy way are in great demand.
Hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis provide safe, natural, drug-free, pleasant, and effective means to decompress, relax, and allow the body, mind, and spirit to rejuvenate. Go to top.
Conquering Test Anxiety & Stage Fright — No matter what your level of educationor how high your IQ, scoring below your ability on academic tests or entrance and licensing exams could ruin your chances for achieving career goals. Butterflies in the stomach,nausea, dizziness, shortness of breath, trembling, and a racing heart are just a few of the symptoms that have plagued singers, actors, comedians, students,public speakers, business professionals, and clergy. Hypnosis allows you to move from a paralyzing state of anxiety to a resourceful state of calm and self-control, so that you quell these symptoms and remember lines, recall formula, retain facts and figures almost effortlessly. While not a substitute for preparation, hypnosis enables you to prepare with confidence and perform with ease. Go to top.
Dispelling Anxiety and Panic Attacks –People tend to associate anxiety and panic with catastrophic, life-threatening situations such as a plane crash or severe physical abuse, or with major life changes, such as the death of a spouse or the loss of a job. In reality, these negative emotional responses can result from the build-up of tension when multiple everyday stressors all happen at once.For example, a single parent who has lost her retirement fund in a stock scandal and is relocating her family across country may experience heightened anxiety or panic attacks when she discovers her underage daughter has become sexually active.
Anxiety can also result from genetic factors or even the withdrawal from some medications or simple substances like alcohol or caffeine. Left unchecked, it can have harmful effects on physical health as well, by raising blood pressure, taxing the immune system, interrupting sleep, diminishing appetite, and increasing bad cholesterol.
Panic attacks often share some of the same symptoms with anxiety, such as heart palpitations, dizziness or nausea, shortness of breath, profuse sweating, and headaches, but differ from anxiety in their intensity. Strong feelings of terror, impending doom, or a fear of dying often accompany anxiety and panics attacks, which are characterized by the Institute of Mental Health as the nation’s most common form of mental illness.
Many calming techniques practiced under hypnosis, including deep diaphragmatic breathing, progressive relaxation, positive self-talk, calming triggers, and creative visualization can be very effecting in managing these problems. Go to top.
Improving Sports Performance —Does your golf game suffer from an unwanted slice when you drive the ball? Do you fear standing at the net when playing tennis?Does your athletic performance fall apart in competition because you allow yourself to be psyched out by your opponent? These problems and many others that both professional and amateur athletes face are correctable using hypnosis. Not a substitute for acquiring the proper techniques and skills required by the sport, hypnosis can help you fine-tune your abilities, overcome your weaknesses, and develop the mindset of a fearless competitor. When you strengthen your confidence in your ability to perform, you not only improve your performance but add to your overall enjoyment of the sport. Go to top.
Sharpening Memory, Concentration, and Productivity — Although some people enjoy a photographic memory, most lament their inability to sufficiently retain and recall facts, concepts, and information as easily and quickly as they would like. If you find yourself struggling to remember names, dates, words, ideas, formula, or thedetails of personal experiences, hypnotherapy can help you reverse that tendency. Scientists believe that all the information and experiences you have ever had are stored within the subconscious mind, comparable to a massive computerized database. Through hypnosis you can learn to access that information on demand. When you implant into your subconscious mind the beliefs and attitudes that overcome forgetfulness, you unleash your power to remember.
Similarly, if your mind wanders easily during an activity, so that your attention span is brief, causing you to abandon what you started before you achieved what you set out to do, your power of concentration is weak. With hypnotherapy you can develop the ability to focus, to become fully absorbed in what you are doing, and to stay with an activity to completion. You accomplish more in a shorter period of time. You learn to multi-task and organize your work more effectively.The abilities to remember, focus, and concentrate are all vital for accomplishment and personal satisfaction. Becoming easily distracted, mentally lazy, or overloaded with useless information are all impediments to sustained attentiveness and sharp retention.Using hypnosis, you can retrain your mind to eliminate these obstacles and, like a mental sponge, soak up and hold onto the images and information you want to absorb, recalling them easily and effortless. Go to top.
Moving Beyond Loss, Separation or Grief — The emotional impact of loss can be disorienting if not devastating. Losing something or someone you love creates a void your mind abhors. A desperate sense of separation or deep longing to get back what was lost can lead to rash actions that backfire rather than soothe. You might reach out too soon to replace what was lost with something or someone else, only to find yourself unable to cope, feeling more overwhelmed and drained by new responsibilities. If you attempt to numb yourself with mindless activities or drugs, you may discover that this behavior is exhausting and dramatically impairs your ability to function.As a result, you experience feelings of low self-esteem, emotional paralysis,lack of motivation, or hopelessness.
Stages of loss, including grief, anger, denial, depression, and bargaining encompass a process of resolution that can involve repetitive re-experiencing of these emotions before you attain final resolution.
Hypnotherapy can be a useful adjunct to the work done with a psychotherapist, psychiatrist or clinical psychologist. It can hasten the healing process. When you come to me to deal with grief, I offer confidentiality, support, and empathy. I encourage you to take the time you need to express yourself in the privacy of my office in whatever ways are necessary, without judgment or repercussion. I regard tears as a healthy way to release pent up emotion. Yelling and spewing angry words can help.
When I induce hypnosis, I gently guide you into a relaxed, calm, secure state in which you constructively deal with the painful emotions you feel as you work through each of the stages of loss. You learn how to move on with your life. You release the negative emotions and feelings connected with the loss and replace them with positive feelings of optimism, self-regard, peace, and acceptance. Once this happens, motivation, goal-oriented behavior, energy, and self-esteem return, as you find yourself moving forward again with your life. Go to top.
Stop Smoking Permanently — If you are a smoker, ask yourself: How many times have I tried to quit, or quit successfully for weeks or months or even years, only to start again, feeling ashamed, defeated, and fearful of the consequences?
In your conscious mind, you still have all the same reasons why you wanted to quit — to regain health and stamina, to avoid social stigma, to dramatically decrease the risk of catastrophic illness, to set a good example for your children, to save money, to become more physically attractive, and the list goes on — so why don’t you?
Lurking deep within your subconscious mind dwells the belief that smoking satisfies one or more important needs you have. Your subconscious mind goes back to smoking because those needs were not being met when you quit. Was it to relax and manage stress, to pep up, to satisfy a craving for nicotine, to have something to do with your hands,to increase your concentration, to keep the acceptance of your buddies who smoke, or to gain oral pleasure? When you discover what the reasons are and use hypnosis to reprogram your subconscious mind with healthy replacements for the smoking behavior that satisfy those needs, you can quit once and for all.
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Preparing for and Recovering from Surgery — No one looks forward to surgery.Whether it’s you first time under the knife or you’re a veteran when it comes to invasive procedures, there’s always some apprehension. Even with elective cosmetic surgery, the prospect of an operation and stay in the hospital causes some level of nervousness and fear in virtually everyone.
In addition to calming the anticipatory fear, hypnosis can create a peaceful and confident state of mind that can actually reduce stress on the body and help the procedure go more smoothly. Practicing hypnosis during the post-operative period can help incisions heal, boost the immune system, speed recovery, and increase physical energy and psychological well-being. Go to top.
Enhancing your Creativity — When you think of creativity, you may think of the brilliance of Picasso, the genius of Beethoven, or the amazing comedic talent of RobinWilliams. Creativity is commonly regarded as a rarified, elusive quality of mind that most ordinary people lack or lack most of the time. The truth is we all possess creativity. Whether coming up with a new recipe for barbecue sauce or discovering a way to clone human hair, the creative process unfolds in us as part of our nature.We are curious, problem-solving, playful, imaginative, and observant beings — which is what makes us creative.
Sometimes, however, the flow of creativity feels damned up. Flashes of insight come few and far between. Fear of losing ones creativity may take over.Mental exhaustion sets in. Self-criticism brings the process to a screeching halt.Using hypnosis, you can dispel these limitations and get back in the flow, opening up to diverse possibilities and allowing your intuition to guide you in new and different directions. You begin to think outside the box, coming up with alternative solutions to problems that had not previously crossed your mind. You gain insight, pose interesting questions, and think more clearly. Go to top.